Monday 27 April 2009

Tribus: An ambitious European public art project

Sweden (click image to enlarge)

Mass produced in Sweden (click image to enlarge)

Amsterdam (click image to enlarge)

Oslo (click image to enlarge)

Application at City Hall (click image to enlarge)

On location City Hall (click image to enlarge)

Mass production of Tribus (click image to enlarge)

Came across this over the weekend. Very interesting project. Not sure where the finance for an ambitious project like this comes from, but I think it's great. It's based in Norway, but now spreading through Oslo and Amsterdam.

Tribus is a sculptural tag, a mass-produced object for the street. It is a work with such a strong and direct shape and color language that a signature is unnecessary. The expression is the signature and the link between the art pieces. The ambition is to get a direct contact with the viewer. Tribus wants the viewer to experience its intervention in the public space as something positive.

Using sculpture in this context overcomes some of the obstacles that Graffiti/Street art meets where the viewer classifies the artworks as sabotage even before the visual contact. Getting people sympathetic to this project teases them to like something illegal, Something they normally would condemn. Tribus take its right without having the power. This project strives not to answer any questions, but want people to ask them.

Who owns the city?
Who owns art?

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